Slimming health
How to do paschimottanasana or seated forward bend
[adrotate group=”1″]This article describes in great detail how to do, step-by-step instructions, benefits, indications, contraindications
Learning and Self-Development Portal
How a Family With a Baby Can Save Money
Maternity is not only a huge happiness, but also a huge trial for family budget. That’s why we are going to tell how one should plan the budget in order
Learning and Self-Development Portal
Myth Concerning Weight Loss
[adrotate group=”1″]Almost every one of us sooner or later stands in front of a mirror and thinks losing weight would not be a bad idea.
Learning and Self-Development Portal
Sun Air Water and Nature
Sunbathing and Hardening
Treatment and prevention of diseases with use of the sun are known for a long time, and many people today cannot imagine a healthy person, who does not
Learning and Self-Development Portal
Unhealthy food
Useful and Harmful Food and Drink
What should we eat to maintain the water balance inside body Today we will discuss the water balance inside body and its relationship to our meals.
Learning and Self-Development Portal
First Test Post in Category Self Dev
Learning and Self-Development Portal