Which Kind of Sports is the Best to go in for?
[adrotate group=”1″] It is really hard to define the best kind of sports. It is even hard to define top 10 kinds of sports. Today, we will sum up the result of our contest for the best and most popular kind of sports. With approximately a dozen and a half long articles in over 2 months, we have picked out one ‘Top’ of the most popular kind of sports in its category from ten various sports areas.
Then, we graded each kind of sports in 10 different criteria of an ideal kind of sports. Now, you will know the final results for the number one sport in modern world.
In the previous article, we finished discussing the last important feature and revealed how different kinds of sports influence on the character of adults and children. The winner in this category was defined. Today, we move further and remind what kinds of sports and from which sports areas are in our top list. They are:
Top 10 Most Popular Kinds of Sports
1) Team sports. Soccer
2) Swimming and running. General physical training.
3) Modern shows and martial arts. MMA
4) Traditional martial arts. Karate.
5) Intellectual kinds of sports. Chess
6) Acrobatics and plastics. Acrobatics.
7) Break-dance.
8) Physical kinds of sports. Bodybuilding
9) Esoteric sports. Yoga
10) Ethnic sports. Capoeira [adrotate group=”2″]
But this separate top 10 list won’t prove anything as we have decided to define the best one. Let’s remind us 10 criteria of an ideal kind of sports that we have used before.
Criteria for the Best Kind of Sports
1) Is it interesting?
2) Is sports career possible
3) Popularity of this sport.
4) Safety and usefulness
5) Harmony of physical development
6) Being spectacular
7) Possibility to earn money
8) Affordable trainings
9) Intellectual development
10) Does it make us happy and does it develop positive features of character?
10 Kinds of Sports
So, here’s rating and grading of 10 kinds of sports in 10 categories. Maximum grade is 10 points.
To make it simpler, we won’t name the criteria and will simply grade kinds of sports according to the points mentioned above. To realize the validity of these criteria one should read about top 10 kinds of sports once again from the beginning. Later on in this article, I will explain why I chose these grades.
So, the final 10 kinds of sports that are worth going in for. [adrotate group=”3″]
- Soccer: 9, 8, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10, 9, 7, 8;
- General physical training: 7, 7, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 10, 6, 7;
- Karate: 8, 10, 8, 7, 9, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8;
- MMA: 8, 7, 6, 6, 9, 10, 10, 8, 6, 8;
- Chess: 9, 9, 9, 5, 4, 7, 8, 7, 10, 7;
- Acrobatics: 10, 5, 6, 4, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 7;
- Dancing: 9, 7, 9, 9, 8, 10, 8, 8, 6, 9;
- Bodybuilding: 7, 7, 5, 6, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 8;
- Yoga: 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 7, 8, 7, 9, 10;
- Capoeira: 9, 10, 10, 8, 9, 10, 8, 8, 8, 9.
What Kind of Sports is the Best to go in for?
As a result, soccer has 80 points, general physical training – 81, Karate – 83,MMA – 78, Chess – 75, Acrobatics – 73, Dancing – 83, Bodybuilding – 71, Yoga – 87, Capoeira – 89.
I must admit, these results are ambiguous and seem inadequate and unlikely.
But let’s step aside from this bewilderment and think why our contestants got these grades. Is my mistake and biased opinion the reason why most popular kinds of sports are ranked lower than less familiar ones?
Most important – don’t forget that we have chosen the best popular kind of sports, i.e. harmony between different parameters and only specific one.
We’ll start discussing the results from the 10th spot taken, no matter how strange that may be, by a very popular kind of sports – bodybuilding and physical kinds of sports.
Top Popular Kinds of Sports
10 ) I hope nobody will doubt this spot as bodybuilding can hardly be called a popular kind of sports. Girls practically are not engaged in bodybuilding being afraid of losing attraction to men. In addition to that, this kind of sports is not for children and too young people. All we have left is huge beefcakes who suffer serious health problem when they are old.
The conclusion is simple – if you want to be the biggest and the strongest, are ready to spend much time, strength and wish, ready to stick to a strict diet and experiment with pharmaceuticals, bodybuilding is the right choice for you. You shouldn’t force your child to go in for bodybuilding especially if he or she doesn’t want to.
9) Everything is simpler with acrobatics. It has three 10s – one for being interesting, one for even physical development and one for being spectacular. Given all this, acrobatics has the lowest number of points in risk of an injury.
[adrotate group=”4″]That’s why we may come to the conclusion that acrobatics, both modern and classical, is a sport for the young and brave exclusively.
Acrobatics is practically ideal as a kind of sports for small children. It is very interesting for them and they get harmonic physical body development. At the same time children don’t have as many injuries as they are flexible and have little weight. I myself would send my child to acrobatics practices, but only up to a certain age.
According to different researches, students in the USA sustain over 25000 injuries at acrobatics and cheerleading practices over 100 of which with sever outcome, even lethal. With adults it is even more complicated. Only adults do it right but seldom.
The Most Popular Kinds of Sports Rating
That’s why there is no way sport, ranked 1st and 2nd at the same time in rating of world’s most dangerous kinds of sports can be placed higher than 9th spot in rankings of the most popular kinds of sports. Anyway, for youth and children it is practically an ideal kind of sports.
8) Chess – beautiful sport, improving intellectual level sometimes up to the level of the latest computers that were defeated by Gary Kasparov a couple of times. But chess cannot be an ideal sport, as there is no body development that is necessary for your health.
That’s why I suggest chess for both children and adults if you, at the same time, are going to go in for other kinds of sports that will provide you with sufficient physical activity without much trouble.
[adrotate group=”5″]7) MMA is also a kind of a controversial kind of sports. On one hand, one can earn big money on wrestling entertainment and become famous. On the other hand, there are really few adequate and restrained people in such aggressive kinds of sports. They are often feared by their neighbors, they often start fights and are often being under investigation by police.
But if harmony and creation is not your thing and you want to turn yourself or your child into a modern gladiator this sport will ideally suit you. But this entertainment cannot be suggested to most people if we don’t want to turn our fragile and troublesome world into a big and sever ‘Sparta’.
Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to tell everything about top 10 kinds of sports in one article so read about the final part of our rankings in the next article about “TOP 1 the best sports in the world”. Also, on our portal, you can read about top 5 martial arts, my new book of martial arts, and top extreme kinds of sports.