Best Countries for Emigration

Today we`ll talk about the best cities in the world to live in and the best countries for emigration or immigration, as people generally tend to change their world and living conditions quite often. Someone makes repairs, someone changes jobs, and the other hurry to live abroad.


[adrotate group=”1″]Nowadays, there could be several reasons to emigrate to another city or even country: the desire to see the world or to change the ambiance, the ability to create own business, to find safety. Some people even migrate because of disagreement with local politics. Anyway, we must make sure emigration and living in another country only bring pleasure, not even more disappointing than at home.

Collecting Profiles for Cities and Countries

Naturally, to emigrate to another country or city, you need to discover the most information available. In addition, starting to collect information about those cities where you want to move, you must take into account the number of children in your family, what age they are, who earns money and in what way, the presence of your county get-togethers in the city.

Furthermore, you`d better find out the average cost of the food basket, the level of health care and education in the city, as well as the level of safety and the of rental housing. All these figures are approximate, but in many ways will help you to create an overall picture of your future place of residence. Today we give you the first useful information about the most popular and comfortable cities for a happy and secured habitation.

The Best Indicators of Urban Life Quality

Every year researches are carried to determine the best quality of life in different countries and cities, for ex. “rating of cities in terms of life quality”. The studies conducted by the world-renowned center of The Economist Intelligence Unit, determine the urban life quality by 30 indicators.

These indicators are grouped into five bunches, which determine the conditions of urban life: culture, environment, health service, education, security and infrastructure. For each of the 30 indicators points from 1 to 100 are awarded. The worst living conditions corresponds to 1 point, 100 points – to the best. [adrotate group=”2″]

Top Cities in the World

First place in the ranking of the best cities in the world for expatriates and residence occupies Melbourne (Australia). General index of indicators of this city is 97.5 points.

Health service, education and culture in Melbourne are evaluated by the very top level of 100. A little lower are the stability of 95 and the environment of 95.1 points. Nevertheless, this city is not attractive for everybody.

Melbourne, in fact, is called the “City of the four seasons in one day”. Compact and modern, it is located in the southern part of Australia, but there are problems with transport and the remoteness from the sea.

Top Cities in the World to Live in

The second and third place in the ranking of the best cities in the world to live in occupy Vienna (Austria) and Vancouver (Canada). Their data is just below 97.4 and 97.3 points respectively. In both cities, health care and education appeared at the high level, but infrastructure in Vancouver is estimated only at 92, 9 points.

Speaking more in detail about Vienna, those adjectives come to mind: purity, beauty, order and bureaucracy. This city is considered to be one of the major European one, but it is possible to cross it by subway in 30-40 minutes.

[adrotate group=”3″]To find a job in Vienna, you must have scarce specialization or have some advantages over the locals. There is a variety of programs to attract immigrants functioning in Austria, so you can simplify the process of moving. Yet, only if you come on the criteria that are stated in the programs.

Vancouver, one of the best cities to live in Canada, differs in climate from the continent: a mild winter and hot summer. Quiet, peaceful town with a lot of young people. If you decide to move there, you will have the opportunity to go skiing and enjoy the abundance of flowers in the flowerbeds parks during one day.

The Best Cities in the World for Expatriates and Habitation

After the winners of the rating of the best city in the world for expatriates go Toronto (Canada) on the 4 place and Adelaide (Australia) on 5th place. Their indicators give way only in the evaluation of infrastructure: Toronto 89.3 points and 96.4 points Adelaide. In Toronto, the stability is higher, valued at 100 points, while Adelaide have 95 points. Someone can catch fancy with these cities.

The Canadian city of Toronto is attractive for expatriates and habitation, but be it is rapidly changing for the better thanks to the large scale construction in it. Consequently, we can expect to purchase own homes, yet Toronto real estate market is characterized by constant growth of prices. One problem of this city is transport. But now the transport system is being reconstructed.

Canada is One of the Best Countries for Emigration

As you can see, Canada is one of the best countries in the world for expatriates, and many cities are included in the top ten. If you stop your choice on another Australian city of Adelaide, then you should know that this city is the capital of South Australia. The main industry of the region is winemaking.

Canadian Calgary yields Australian Adelaide only in the organization of culture and environment. In all other aspects, this city is of high performance. So, you can safely go to live in Calgary.

This town is located in Alberta province. It can be called the center of Canada’s oil. Also, tourism and high-tech products have been developed in Calgary. This is one of the cleanest cities with a high quality of life. Consequently, the price of real estate in this city is high.

Australia as Country for Emigration

Another country considered to be excellent for emigration is Australia. For example, the overall index score of Sydney is 96.1. Stability is “limping” in this city, it was given an assessment of only 90 points. Culture and environment are estimated at 94, 4 points, other indicators got results in 100 points.

[adrotate group=”4″]Therefore, it`s the third Australian city attractive for emigration and accommodation, situated on the south-East coast of the continent. The concentration of skyscrapers and the Royal Botanic Garden, parks and green areas, beaches and harbors – all of this you can find in Sydney.

Regarding work in Australia, including Sydney, the labor of electrician, hoistman and plumber is valued. That is, if you do not have higher education. On the leadership positions, professionals from the non-English-speaking countries are reluctant to take. Therefore, if you decide to move to Sydney, you need to know the language and self-educate.

Emigration to Finland

Finland as one of the best countries for emigration is represented in the ranking by Helsinki. Judging by the figures you shouldn`t worry about the stability and health service there, they are estimated at 100.

Culture and environment, together with education are evaluated 90 and 91.7 respectively. Infrastructure is assessed only at 96, 4 points. Nevertheless, it`s an attractive city with its own traditions and history.

In Helsinki, the Finnish capital, 8 universities and 6 technological parks are focused. This town is situated on the islands and peninsulas of the Baltic coastline. Difficulties may arise in Helsinki with the device to work.

Because it is necessary to obtain a permit to practice a private trade or employment, as well as for short and temporary work. With only a continuous residence resolution, a work permit is not required.

The Best Country in the World for Expatriates

[adrotate group=”5″]Superiority in the number of attractive cities in the world to live confidently holds Australia, which becomes the best country for immigration in our personal rating.

The 9th position in the ranking takes Australian city of Perth. It will comfortably to reside, as infrastructure, education and health care are well developed in this city. Frankly speaking, it`s a little bit tight with cultural activities (88,7 points), but the stability of Perth shows 95.

The capital of Western Australia Perth is located on the shores of the Indian Ocean. This is one of the main economic centers in Australia. Developed production of mining of gold, diamonds and nickel are the main industry in the economy of the town. Beaches, restaurants, bars and nightclubs of Perth attract many tourists.

As we can see from the above, the best cities to live are located in economically developed countries with low population density. Those are the average agglomerations, in contrast to the big cities such as London, New York, Paris, Tokyo. Their indicators are much lower, as researches show.

In large cities, there is a high risk of the security due to increased levels of crime and a high load on the infrastructure. But it must be taken into consideration that in megacities wages are higher, cultural life is fuller and there are greater economic opportunities.

Worst Cities in the World to Live and Emigrate in

According to the research, the value of convenience of cities for expatriates and living in them decreased by 0.7% in the last few years. The average score for the stability and security has sharply descended to 1,3%. The most striking factors affecting this situation are civil unrests and armed conflicts.

Countries and cities of the Middle East, North Africa, Ukraine, Tunisia and Egypt, Libya and Syria are dangerous to live in not only for immigrants, but also to the locals.

Because of the ongoing civil war, Damascus (Syria) is considered to be the worst city in the world for expatriates. After it goes Tripoli (Libya).

It is not recommended to go to Dhaka (Bangladesh), Port-Moresby (Papua New Guinea), Lagos (Nigeria), Karachi (Pakistan), Harare (Zimbabwe), Douala (Cameroon), Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Algiers (Algeria).

[adrotate group=”6″]So you’d better check not only the economics of the city you`re going to move, but also politics and the situation in it.

Mistakes in Emigration to Another Country and How to Avoid them

This is not difficult to learn as much as possible information about the place you have decided to move to, that will help you to avoid mistakes for a comfortable emigration to a foreign country. Perhaps your friends travel, or there are a lot of agencies and information on the Internet. You just have to be interested in a way of life, attitudes towards foreigners, the opportunity to buy an apartment or better a house in the country you`re interested at.

Quite often people, who arrived at the new place, first buy property without a permit type, determined to save money. And then it turns out they have to pay twice.

Be interested in property values and the ability to sell it in future. The cost of the house may include the cost of a residence permit.

And, as a result it would be difficult to sell a house. Such “trifles” are specific to each country. Therefore, it is necessary to approach carefully and cautiously to all matters relating to accommodation, the purchase of real estate, or rental property.

We must also remember that the less easily it is moving to the country, the less you get. In one state, you can get a residence permit, free health insurance and education. In another, only a residence permit. Remember, all the rich countries love everyone who come to them pay for it.

Emigration is Risk

[adrotate group=”7″]Still it`s worth remembering that immigration is a risk. No matter how good you have envisaged everything, every situation is simply impossible to cover. Even if relocation would be inexpensive and quiet, the entire could begin there on the spot.

Conditions of living, rent, job, taxes, new people, new traditions and nostalgia. Homesickness, of course, will come to you, and it is necessary to live through. By the way, for those who like traveling, best work could be on the Internet. You can look into the vacancies section of our portal.

At the same time, the most important thing is to learn how to enjoy the new place of residence. It is not as difficult as it seems, you just have to remember the golden rule of travel and generally for all positive and successful people: “Well is where I am”. This is what I wish you. In the following articles we’ll talk about the ideal and the cheapest countries in the world for leisure and travel, about the best countries for living and permanent residence, emigration and just tourist trips in winter to the sea.

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