How to do paschimottanasana or seated forward bend
[adrotate group=”1″]This article describes in great detail how to do, step-by-step instructions, benefits, indications, contraindications
Learning and Self-Development Portal
Advantage and harm of chicken broth
[adrotate group=”1″]The advantage and harm of chicken broth became a subject of numerous disputes and researches of scientists for a long time.
Learning and Self-Development Portal
Cinnamon Tea – Advantages and disatvantages
Now it’s winter and everyone wants to get warm. Tea is a traditional drink in Russia, which warms, gives energy and it is also tasty and nosey drink. Now we’
Learning and Self-Development Portal
Mint tea – Advantages and Disadvantages
Since ancient times respected doctors Avicenna and Hippocrates have repeatedly proved that mint tea has a very positive impact on a person.
Learning and Self-Development Portal
Unhealthy food
How a Family With a Baby Can Save Money
Maternity is not only a huge happiness, but also a huge trial for family budget. That’s why we are going to tell how one should plan the budget in order
Learning and Self-Development Portal
Sun Air Water and Nature
Methods and Advantages of Air Hardening of the Body
Methods of air hardening of the body [adrotate group=”1″]Let’s suppose you decided to do hardening of the body, but do not know how to start yet.
Learning and Self-Development Portal
Sun Air Water and Nature
Air Hardening, Treatment, Rules and Contraindications
Modern medicine believes that in the average a for a good health and a normal state of health, any adult, never mind a child should spend on the street
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How to Tan Properly?
[adrotate group=”1″]Today we’ll talk about how to sunbathe as the “velvet” season is already in full blast – the majority of people
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Natural medicine
Solar Dermatitis: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
[adrotate group=”1″]Solar dermatitis is also called allergy to the sun. But, of course, the sun rays themselves are not allergens.
Learning and Self-Development Portal
Tea With Honey: Benefits and Harms
[adrotate group=”1″]Today we will try to understand how much beneficial or harmful hot tea with honey, we will see what specific benefits and
Learning and Self-Development Portal