Today we are going to learn how to sprout wheat at home to consume it for food. Although, you will probably ask why to do that, if you can buy a bag of plain flour in the supermarket not to stay hungry. Unfortunately, you will be wrong, as wheat germ is one of five, well, or at least in the top ten most useful products. At the same time, white flour belongs to the top five, but with a minus sign, from using which you should discard first and foremost.
I`m not feeling like describing which [adrotate group=”1″] benefitwill give you the knowledge of wheat sprouting at home, (as it`s at least must be explained in another article), but I`ve already written a little about it in the article “Nutrition and Health”. Of course, it is very interesting and important, but you better read it beforehand.
So today, we will talk about practical advice on how to germinate wheat, for those who have already realized the need of this. Wheatgrass is very important for those who want to lose weight, normalize digestion, cleanse their body from toxins. In short, this article is for those who want the health and nutrition of living, or those who want to cook one of the thousands of possible dishes from wheat germ.
Dishes from wheat germ
It isn`t strange that from wheat germ, as well as from an ordinary flour, you can prepare a huge variety of dishes, but in this case, your food will be organic and useful. For example, I recently prepared a very tasty kutya from wheat germ (which also appeared very good and truly exceeded all of not raw food diet analogues of kutya).
Also, wheat germ is often added to the raw salads, soups, fresh jelly, flapjacks, wheat milk, drinks, and live different mixtures prepared in a blender. What is more, it`s not necessarily to be a strong fan of healthy eating.
Wheat germ can be added to any cooked porridge, making it an ordinary, but a healthier meal; added to the spices, sauces, creams, in the curd pudding, yogurt, pancakes, vegetable burgers, roasted fish or chicken coated with wheat germ.
There could be thousands of recipes with wheat germ, even live cosmetics and decoctions, but we should not forget that most useful is to eat wheat germ naturally raw.
Although the heat treatment effects such wheat to lose much of its beneficial properties, it is still much more useful than ordinary white flour. It is also better to eat whole wheat than the finely milled in the blender or meat grinder. Using the grinder and aluminum utensils while working with wheat is generally not recommended.
[adrotate group=”2″]The most responsible phase in growing wheat is the selection and purchase of suitable one. But it isn`t as difficult as it may seem.
How to choose the wheat for germination
If you have the opportunity to buy wheat in the market in weight, it will be easier for you to choose. The fact is that sometimes wheat is a little treated before sale, for it to be quickly cooked. It is made for housewives not to wait for about 4 hours till the wheat will be prepared.
Yet we don`t need such wheat today, as we need that one which can germinate. Of course, it`s better to be safe and to ask the seller, although in my case it was noticeable to the naked eye. Look at the photos. Whole wheat is live, while the hew one will never sprout and will remain solid, unless we cook it, and this is, how we agreed, not included in our plans.
Moreover, sprouted wheat as a result will be very different in taste, depending on the variety and quality. In any case, we must take the best wheat of soft rather than durum sort. You can alternatively ask the seller which wheat is usually taken by rawfoodists, yet almost any live wheat will fit. The wheat I took is called “arnautka”.
First, we need to prepare everything for the germination of wheat.
So, what do we need for germination of wheat:
1) Wheat in any amount.
2) A flat plate or tray.
3) A piece of clean gauze.
[adrotate group=”3″]4) Purified water (at least 1 liter).
Germination of wheat at home
- To begin with, take a large platter for germination of wheat grains in it, or even a tray as I did this time, as you can see at the photo. I took an ordinary iron tray, as I had to germinate sufficiently large bulk of wheat, about half a kilogram, as I was preparing a raw dish, which included wheat germ.
However, if you grow only for 1-2 times eating for one person, a small plate or saucer will be enough. With time and experience, you will realize how much of grown wheat you need and will sprout just the right amount.
It is usually said, that the daily rate of wheat germ is about 80-100 grams per person, but it is certainly not so principle, as you can have it both large and smaller quantities. Okay, we proceed to the process of germination.
- In the beginning, we make a good wash and sort for our wheat, and it`s better to use purified water, because if you decide to germinate the seeds and do a variety of other unusual things, then obviously you want to take care of your health. A chlorine in the water from the tap won`t obviously make good. To clean water, you can use simple household filter or read my article about water purification at home.
Also, we remove any debris from wheat and obviously damaged wheat grains. Indeed, if the wheat grains float in the water, they are probably already dead, and will not germinate. Those grains can also be immediately thrown away.
[adrotate group=”5″]It is also advised to add some permanganic acid for the disinfection of seeds that germinate, but it is not necessary, as wheat grows normally without it. In fact, permanganic acid in pharmacies is not as easy to get as it seems, now it could be given almost with a prescription.
Another option for disinfection is to use water infused on shungit and silicon, it also has a similar effect. If we use such disinfected water, the seeds should germinate without molding or smelling bad for a long time, as this sometimes happens.
- Then lay washed wheat out on the tray, or what you have, desirable in one layer. Cover all this with usual not sterile gauze. The gauze should be quite big and folded in 2-4 layers in order to prevent water not to dry very quickly for wheat to grow. The gauze can be bought at the pharmacy and it`s pretty cheap. If you are going to germinate wheat often, it is better to take just a great skein of gauze that in the end will be even cheaper.
How long to sprout wheat
- You can then add a little more water, but the excess can be drained. Wheat should not be swimming in the water, it should be just a little bit constantly moistened with clean water not to dry. After this, put a dish or tray for 12-16 hours in a warm place, that is how much time is required for the germination of wheat. Of course, this time won`t be the same for the varieties of wheat and different temperatures in your home. So where it`s warmer wheat will grow faster.
And if you can put wheat under the sun’s rays it can also provide an additional disinfecting effect. Wheat will grow faster towards the sun and heat, and it will be more positive. As an option, you can use any fitolampy, as this should give a similar effect, although smaller.
- In the middle of this period, you can add a little water to wheat or wash it. In addition, it is often advised to wash the seeds germinated, so they will be less molding. But in this case wheat sprouts quickly and it isn`t necessarily.
An indicator that growing wheat or other seeds should be washed is a bad smell. If wheat smells neutral or good, then everything is fine. If some stranger sour or other not very pleasant smell begins to appear or has already appeared, the wheat must be well rinsed with clean water.
After washing, bad smell should disappear, and the tray with wheat can be put to germinate on. In my case, there was no odor, but if it happens, you should not be afraid too. Especially if it’s some kind of long germinating grains, they must be washed so that they have not started to sour. In general, it is precautionary, but we are doing well, and we move on.
- The best indicator that wheat has sprouted enough to be alive and ready for use is that the seedlings are approximately 1-2 mm as shown in the pictures a little lower, including the main one. Once this has happened, we have to wash the wheat germ, and certainly only with clean drinking water, then add it into a clean bowl. [adrotate group=”4″]
How to store wheat germ
In fact, all the stages of the story are about how to germinate wheat at home, and then we just eat it with a spoon, not forgetting to thoroughly chew it, or proceed directly to the preparation of various dishes that I have told you about at the beginning of this article. For more precise recipes hope even reach my hands, but a lot of them are in the Internet. In addition to this, if you have your own interesting recipes, leave them in the comments.
Just don`t forget that the store cannot be long, and keep wheat in the refrigerator only. Otherwise, it will germinate, and wheat germ such excessive eating is not well for you. Just throw it. And, of course, the earlier you eat, the most useful it is.
How long to store wheat germ
[adrotate group=”7″]It is also well to water or a dish of it standing in the refrigerator with lemon juice or honey, then such wheat will deteriorate slightly slower. But in any case, you shouldn’t store wheat or ready-made meals of it for more than one day, maximum two, although it concerns any cooked food.
Well, on this we will finish, but you can germinate not only wheat in this method, but also any other seeds. Furthermore, read separately about why to sprout wheat and it`s benefit and harm to the organism. Plus soon there will be articles about how to germinate seeds in addition to wheat, as it is very topical issues for anyone who is interested in their health, self-development and of course organic food. For example, you can now read about how and why to germinate buckwheat.
For you after having read this article I can only wish patience and not to stray from the intended path. Then the perfect health for you is guaranteed.